The TV series "Cold" takes viewers back to Lithuania in 1991, created by renowned authors Birutė Kapustinskaitė ("I Am Fine, Thanks, Sasha Was Here") and Artūras Voiničius ("Detektyvai: 209"). In the midst of bloody resistance against the crumbling Soviet empire, the country struggles while a young US-German journalist stumbles upon explosive KGB documents crucial to the control of "separatist" republics. With the disappearance of these secret files, a deadly chase through Eastern Europe begins, connecting five people through personal stories of love, betrayal and revenge.
"Cold" is produced by the Lithuanian company Magic Film and co-produced with Kinescope Film. The project received support from the Lithuanian Film Centre, the German Nordmedia, the Lithuanian broadcaster LRT and the VoD platform Telia Lietuva. The joint development was supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA programme of the European Union, making "Cold" the first Lithuanian programme to receive this type of funding.
The creative team of "Cold" is made up of showrunner Stjepan Klein ("The Boys", "Gloria") and producers Aurimas Pukevičius and Ramojus Petrauskas. Greta Akcijonaite ("I Am Fine, Thanks") as development producer and Sigita Šimkūnaitė ("Slow", "Pilgrims") as production designer also contribute their talents. The film is directed by Portuguese director Tiago Guedes ("The Domain", "Remains of the Wind") and Vilnius-born Domas Petronis.
The 5x50-minute series not only explores the complex story of the historical period in January 1991 in Lithuania, but also investigates the complicated family relationships and personal struggles of the five main characters. The themes range from national identity and the longing for freedom to the power of love and the weight of responsibility.